23 Mar 2016
Two Days workshop on “Contextual learning Of Signals and Systems, Control Systems and Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB”
Resource Person : Shri. Sanjeev Kubakaddi, ITIE Academy, Bengaluru
Organized by : Department of Electronics And Communication Engineering
Date : 23rd & 24th March, 2016
Venue : ACSCE Seminar Hall
About the Programme:
A two-day workshop on “Contextual Learning ofSignals & Systems, Control System and Digital Signal Processing” was conducted in the Department of Electronics& Communication Engineering, ACS College of Engineering by Mr. Sanjeev Kubakaddi, ITIE Academy, Bengaluru on 23rd and 24th March 2016.
The workshop was based on usage of Matlabtool. It started with Matlab basics like Matlab Architecture and computing environment, data types, arrays, functions, plots. The workshop continued with applications like
Signals & Systems: Generating standard signals / tone / music,? Sampling,? Acquiring real-time signal and plotting
Control Systems:Time domain analysis, Frequency domain analysis, Pole-Zero / Bode / Nyquist / Root locus
Signal Processing:Read / Generate Speech signals,? Time domain analysis / frequency domain analysis, Convolution / correlation, FFT,? Digital Filter design / application on signals.
We had students and staff of Electrical, Electronics and Bio-Medical Engineering participating in it which took the total strength of workshop to 60. Appreciation to coordinators, Department of ECE for conducting the workshop.
Events List
- One-Day Mind Mastery Workshop for Faculty Members
- Induction Training Program for Young Faculties
- Wishing a Very Happy Birthday to Smt. S. Lalitha Lakshmi
- FDP on Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst Associate.
- 76th Republic Day Celebration – 2025
- Dr. A.C. Shanmugam Honored with Prestigious Doctorate by Mysore University
- Technical talk on Insights on Medical Device Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance
- Project Exhibition 2023
- Workshop on “Products and Technologies Identification in MMSE sectors under Self Employment Opportunities”