Aeronautical Engineering
The Aeronautical Engineering was established in the year of 2010 with an intake of 60 and increased to an intake of 120 in the year of 2019-20. affiliated under VTU with AICTE recognition to meet the scope of burgeoning needs of Aerospace industry. Importance is given to full-fledged laboratories, Research activities & experienced Faculties with industrial exposure as well. Leading application of Science and Technology in Aeronautical and Aerospace engineering for global utility To produce and train responsible, competent, creative and innovative professionals in the field of aeronautical and aerospace engineering through world class academic and application programs.
Quality Policy
- To provide competitive and academic programs to produce technologists and professionals for national and global needs.
- To be a centre for reference, research and consultation through smart partnership with industries and stake holders.
- Educate tomorrow’s leaders through innovative educational programs & pedagogies that have as their context the conception, design, implementation and operation of systems; and processes; create research opportunities that generate inventions, technologies and solutions to Aerospace problems.
To be at the focus of the Aerospace orbit with Global at the Apogee and Nation at the Perigee
- Lift the Knowledge of students beyond the sky of syllabus to become Engineering leaders
- Dragging the national and global resources for making the student as skilled managers
- Thrusting the students to propel beyond the atmosphere of Employment to Entrepreneurship
- Weightage to shape the students from I to PI to excel as an ethical and responsible citizens
PEO-1 PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE Aeronautical Graduates will have the global awareness to apply their knowledge across interdisciplinary areas in nationally and globally emerging domains of Aeronautical Engineering for higher studies, Research, Employment, Entrepreneurship lifelong learning and product development.
Graduates will have multi tasking skills like software, Hardware, interpersonal skills and management qualities like critical thinking, decision making to implement their knowledge in the Aeronautical domain
Graduates will possess the suitable attitude to recognize the need of the society and will be a citizen with strong ethics to protect the Environment and with better commitment to serve the society.
PSO-1: AEROMODELLING Apply their Engineering knowledge of all the fundamental core subjects and the Hardware & Software skills in the development (Design, Fabrication, Analysis, Testing and Flying) of aero models (RC, UAV & DRONES)
PSO-2: AEROSPACE EXPOSURE Students will be given additional exposure in advanced development in the fields like Aerospace and helicopter designsPSO-3: CAREER IMPROVEMENT THROUGH NETWORK Graduates will get quality Industrial exposure and carrier opportunity in the field of Aeronautics and Aerospace from eminent scientists of ISRO, NAL and DRDO taking advantage from the department strong network
PO1 – Engineering Knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics and science,with fundamentals of Aeronautical Engineering to be able to solve complex engineering problems related to Aeronautical Engineering.PO2 – Problem Analysis: Identify, Formulate, review research literature andanalyse complex engineering problems related to Aeronautical Engineering and reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
PO3 – Design/Development of solutions: Design solutions for complex aircraft problems related to Aeronautical Engineering and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety and the cultural societal and environmental considerations
PO4 – Conduct Investigations of Complex problems: Use research–based knowledge and research methods including design of aircraft structure experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5 – Modern Tool Usage: Create, Select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to Aeronautical Engineering related complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6 – The Engineer and Society: Apply Reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the Aeronautical professional engineering practice.
PO7 – Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the Aeronautical professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development
PO8 – Ethics: Apply Ethical Principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9 – Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary Settings.
PO10 – Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with High society and with write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11 – Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multi-disciplinary environments.
PO12 – Life-Long Learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning the broadest content of technological change.
Aeronautical – Department Profile
Silicon city Bangalore is a hub of various Aerospace industries. With the intensions to fulfil the increasing demands of skilled manpower in these industries and hence to serve the society, the Department of Aeronautical Engineering was established in year 2010 with under Graduate Course in Bachelor of Engineering in Aeronautical Engineering under VTU, Belgaum. The course is approved by AICTE, New Delhi.
Course includes study in the areas of Aircraft Structures, Propulsion, Aerodynamics, Aircraft Performance, Stability and Control, Avionics, Aircraft Systems & Flight testing, various simulation and modelling techniques and Flight Vehicle Design concepts.
On successful completion of the course the student may get opportunities to join various Aerospace industries like NAL, ARDC, GTRE, HAL, ISRO, TCS, Goodrich, Satyam Mahindra, Safran Engineering Services etc.
Aeronautical – SAR
Aeronautical Engineering SARAeronautical – Event Conduction
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Aeronautical – MOU
Additive Industries Pvt Ltd 21CLabs Pvt Ltd Ozhli Academy of Science Aerotics Aerolance Flight Training Canada Rile India SS Tech STK Glonnint Solutions ISRO Sukra Heliteck Pvt ltd ACS-Ray Dynamics Aerolus Aerotech Aerozjet AviationAeronautical – Conference
National Conference on “Recent Innovations and Challenges in Aviation Technology (RICAT–2024)” National Level Conference on “Recent Innovations and Challenges in Aviation Technology (RICAT 2023)”Aeronautical – Faculty Achievement
View Faculty Patents View Faculty Publication Details View Faculty GrantsAeronautical – Infrastructure
The department has the following state-of-the-art laboratories, Aerodynamics Lab, Energy Conversion Lab, Foundry&Forging Lab, Machine Shop, Material Testing Lab, Metrology Lab, Propulsion Lab, Structures Lab etc.
MiG 27 Fighter Jet
The Aeronautical Engineering department provides hands-on experience with MiG-27 variable sweep ground attack aircraft. The aircraft was built by the Soviet Union and later license produced in India by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. The students understand the complete airframe structure in the campus and study design requirements, provisions to mount subsystems as well as control systems.Hands on Experience in Flight Simulator
The Aeronautical Engineering department provides hands on experience with Flight simulators on the campus. This helps students artificially re-create aircraft flight and the environment in which it flies for pilot training, design or other purposes. Students understand how aircraft fly, how they react to applications of flight controls, the effects of other aircraft systems.Subsonic Wind Tunnel
The students get an understanding of the nature of flow past various aircraft models through flow visualization techniques. The wind tunnel gives accurate results and is suitable for undergraduate study and research projects.Aircraft Engines
Pratt Whitney R1830 Twin Engine and MiG 21 Turbojet:
Students understand the engine airframe components and structure materials of these engines in the campus.Laboratory Facilities
Aerodynamics Lab:
The students get an understanding of nature of flow past various models through flow visualization techniques. The nature of pressure distribution over various aerofoil and body shapes is explained. The wake and boundary layer survey provide information on the momentum thickness and displacement thickness.
Structures Lab:
It provides the student with the practical knowledge of the various theorems, like -reciprocal theorem, buckling phenomenon of columns, WAGNER beam stresses information. The vibration of beam equipment provides information on types of modes and vibration patterns.
Propulsion Lab:
Experiments related to aircraft engines, force measurements through wall jets and measurement of speed of flame propagation is checked.
Lab Gallery
Departmental Activities since inception of the Department
Since then several technical talks and conferences have been arranged. For enhancing the practical skills, association also encourages students to participate in aero-modelling and various extra co curricular activities. Students have participated in various national events and won some of the events bringing laurels to themselves and the college.
Students Forum of the Department
Department has got its students association by name METAL HAWKS, inaugurated in the year 2011. Since then several technical talks and conferences have been arranged for enhancing the students’ practical skills. The association also encourages students to participate in aero-modelling and various extra co curricular activities.
University Results
Department has got a unique record of getting 100% results in VTU Examination, with more than 50% of students scoring distinction and remaining First Class.
Last year results, 3 of our students ranked in the top 10 at the university level.
Aeronautical – Internship
View Internship Details 2020-2024 View Internship Details 2019-2023 View Internship Details 2021-2022 View Internship Details 2017-2021 View Internship Details 2016-2020 View Internship Details 2015-2019Aeronautical – Newsletter
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